A Fun Science-Fiction Movie
21 October 2014
"Captain William 'Buck' Rogers" (Gil Gerard) is an American astronaut who has taken off on a 5-month deep space flight. Unfortunately, he is pulled out of his normal orbit and becomes frozen in time and drifts for over 500 years until eventually being picked up by a Draconian space ship which is en route to Earth as a peaceful emissary of Drago the Magnificent. As it turns out "Princess Ardala" (Pamela Hensley) is under orders to attack Earth once inside the secret force field that surrounds the planet. To that end her suspicious security officer, "Kane" (Henry Silva) decides to send the now-conscious Buck Rogers in his spacecraft back to Earth where it will either destroy itself upon entering Earth's orbit or reveal vital information regarding a secret path inside the force field. Anyway, rather than detail what happens next I will just say that, while definitely dated, this is a fun science-fiction movie all the same. Personally, I think Gil Gerard fit the role as Buck Rogers almost perfectly and having two lovely women like Erin Gray (as "Colonel Wilma Deering") and the aforementioned Pamela Hensley makes it even more enjoyable. Likewise, the robotic drone known as "Twiki" (Felix Silla) is icing on the cake. Granted it's not a great movie by any means but it served its function as a pilot to a television series quite admirably and I rate it as slightly above average.
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