The Leftovers (2014–2017)
Exceptionally nuanced showed
12 July 2014
The show's writers set out to do the audience what they did with the characters--to cause confusion and pile on questions.

This show demands you pay attention to the details and to try and sort out the irrelevant; to try and pick up clues that you think may lead to answers as to why 2% of the earth's population has disappeared.

Is the sheriff insane? Has the rest of the world gone mad? Is this divine intervention or something alien at work?

Do you want all the answers handed to you per episode? Go watch 24 or NCIS. If you want to think about what happened in The Leftovers and accept that the clues will come trickling in over time and then please watch this show. The former writer of Lost Damon Lindelof is not going to do his audience any favors except when the payoff comes.
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