"...a time of myth and legend..."
18 June 2014
Hercules rescues a virgin named Deianeira from a cult. She tags along with him on his way to the lost city of Troy. Second of five TV movies that preceded the Hercules: The Legendary Journeys TV series. This one's possibly my favorite of them all. That's due to Renee O'Connor's extremely likable personality, charm, and comedic talent. She would, of course, go on to bigger things as Xena's sidekick Gabrielle in the Hercules spin-off. After this movie, Tawny Kitaen would play a character with the same name as O'Connor's character here. I don't believe they are intended to be the same character since there's no mention of this movie in the next one. The two actresses couldn't be more different, physically or otherwise. Whatever positive qualities Ms. Kitaen has, and I can think of two obvious ones, she is not as good an actress or comedienne as O'Connor. This is also the first appearance in the Hercules world of Robert Trebor, although playing a different role than the comic relief character Salmoneus that fans would come to either love or hate.

As with the other movies and the later TV series, this is a fun, colorful adventure shot on beautiful New Zealand locations. There's humor, drama, action, and some decent special effects for television. Nothing highbrow here but good old-fashioned escapism.
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