Now You See Me (I) (2013)
Turn your brain off and enjoy...
27 May 2014
At this time, there are already 530 reviews for "Now You See It", so I'll try to be brief. The film is about a group of four magicians and mentalists who have been given a brilliant plan by an unseen genius. Again and again, the quartet perform seemingly impossible stunts and always seem many steps ahead of the police. And, in the process, they do HUGE magic tricks that are pretty much impossible. The presentation is VERY smooth and very slick and the overall production looks great. It has great music and effects. But, on the negative side none of this really makes a lot of sense and there is no way you can enjoy it if you think. This is especially true at the end (where there is a profession of love that comes from absolutely no where!!)--which is a gigantic cliché and made no sense whatsoever. The bottom line is that if you turn off you brain and enjoy it on a very superficial level, you'll enjoy it. If you try to make sense of it all, your head will explode. 'Nuff said.
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