Ambushed (2013)
Ambitious drug peddling crime pals VS a DEA agent, a corrupt cop, and a drug boss
26 September 2013
Dolph Lundgren as Maxwell is a DEA agent who is investigating drug dealers. However Maxwell and his investigation are not the centerpiece of this movie. That honor goes to 2 criminal friends named Frank and Eddie from whose perspectives this movie chiefly unfolds. Most especially Frank who is a club owner, drug dealer, drug taker and murderer. And this is not the end of his accomplishments: He's also a criminologist, sociologist, economist, dreamer, sage and narrator. And the icing on the cake? He's making it with his dream girl; a college "girl-nextdoor" type.

We know about Frank's afore mentioned scholarly accomplishments because he narrates this movie, talking to us, the viewing audience; even "lecturing", I would say, about how his world works and the world at large. His best bud Eddie is (thankfully) not that deep. Just wants to be a bigshot and have a good time (So school is out with this guy). Frank is ambitious; wants to move up in the drug business and is ruthless enough to do whatever it takes including murder and stepping on the toes of a drug boss Maxwell is investigating.

The drama of this movie basically comes from (1) the doings of Frank and Eddie as they try to climb the ladder to success that dealing drugs can buy. (2) Frank's relationship with his clueless dream girl (Not stupid; she thinks he's only a "club owner"). (3) Maxwell and his investigation into the operations of a drug boss and Frank and Eddie. Throw into the mix a violent, corrupt cop shaking down drug dealers and Max and his team have got there hands full.

I thought the movie felt a bit long because of "dull spots" of conversation in a few places throughout (I would have added another star, otherwise). Sometimes when Frank was talking to Eddie, to his girl, and to us the viewing audience. As well, the 2 chicks in bed; one of them an undercover DEA agent (Frank's paramour, by the way). In this last instance, less talking and more making out would have perked me up and saved that scene. There is rap music in this movie (in case you like it or don't). It started the movie nicely, I thought, but the rest of it -though sounding okay- seemed to me "somewhat" misplaced. Finally: The action is unremarkable but "okay". Dolph as Maxwell is a bit unwieldy but can still get the job done, I think, if you place yourself within range of a fist or leg and wait for it. Or in the event of a chase, don't run too fast. Love, Boloxxxi.
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