Interesting idea, mostly disappointing results
2 May 2013
The idea behind this serial killer movie - a female witness to a serial killer who is injured and can't recognize faces, even that of the killer - is a novel one. And the woman's disability does lead to some interesting scenes of her struggling with the disability. But the movie as a whole doesn't quite work. One reason is the budget - while the movie never looks extremely cheap, it's obvious throughout that the entire enterprise was done in a cost-saving manner. The main reasons the movie fails, however, is that the movie both feels very drawn out and the serial killer parts fail to be very interesting or suspenseful compared to what we've seen in other serial killer movies before. Ironically, the movie is the most interesting when it shows the female lead struggling with her disability in day to day life. I honestly feel that if the movie had ditched the whole tired serial killer plot and made a serious movie about the woman's disability that the movie would have been a lot better.

P.S. - Does a movie really need FOURTEEN executive producers?
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