The Aviator (2004)
A very different and sad look at the life of Howard Hughes.
11 March 2013
Years ago, Tommy Lee Jones made himself famous for playing Howard Hughes in a made for TV movie called "The Amazing Howard Hughes". The film clocked in at over three and a half hours and was a wonderful look at the man. Now, about 25 years later, Martin Scorsese has created a new biography of the man--though the film is under three hours long--so naturally things had to be omitted. Considering how complex Hughes was, they easily could have made a mini-series out of his life--but the film STILL is very good and worth seeing despite its brevity (and 170 minutes IS brief given the subject matter). It differs from the Jones film because instead of trying to encompass all of Hughes life, it focuses much more specifically on the psychological decline of the man and really builds a wonderful sense of profound sadness in seeing this decline.

While Leonardo DiCaprio didn't look or sound as much like Hughes as Tommy Lee Jones did, he was quite good in this breakout role--and was nominated for Best Actor. However, the one who managed to earn an Academy Award was Cate Blanchette--who was just wonderful as Katharine Hepburn. Her voice and mannerisms were dead on--and she played the role, at times, in a hilarious fashion. Apart from these two, the other stars of the film are the cinematographers, set designers, director and CGI techs (who managed to create an AMAZING plane crash sequence that blew my mind). Overall, a film that is best seen not as a replacement for the earlier film but an enhancement--and I think seeing BOTH would be a great idea. Well made and well worth seeing.

By the way, isn't it kind of ironic that Alec Baldwin plays the part of a HUGE airline exec--considering Baldwin's recent relationship with some airlines!
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