Thank's for the tip babe I'll put in a good word for you
8 March 2013
***SPOILERS*** Humphrey Bogart as big time gambler and cheesecake lover,that's the pastry not the sexy women kind, Gloves Donahue uncovers a Nazi spy ring ring in Manhattans Yorkville section and with the help of his somewhat shady or mobbed up friends goes to put it out of business.

Bogie or Gloves first got an inkling of what's was happening when his good friend and bakery owner German/American Mr.Miller, Ludwig Stossel, was found dead in his bakery with a broken neck. Mr. Miller has been working with the Nazi ring only because he has family back in Nazi Germany who's lives were endangered if he did't. It's when Mr. Miller's Nazi contact Pepi, Peter Lorrie, wanted him to go a step farther, in killing US sailors, that he refused which cost him his life! Despite Gloves efforts to alert the police to what's going on he in fact becomes their #1 suspect, in Pepi planting one of Gloves' gloves at the murder scene, in Mr. Miller's murder!

As things turn out it's nightclub singer Leda Hamilton, Kaaren Verne, who also works for the Nazi spy and sabotage ring who helps Gloves out in that she finds out that her German born father who was being head hostage by the Nazis in Germany's notorious Dachau concentration camp was murdered by them. As Gloves and his friend and fellow mobster Sunsine, William Dmarest, find out from the head of the spy ring himself Ebbing, Conred Veidt, the big plan is to knock out a US Navy battleship docked in Brooklyn's Gravesend Bay. And the plan to do it is by using a motorboat loaded with high explosives with Ebbing and his fellow Nazi Pepi smashing into it, kamikaze style, at full breakneck speed blasting the ship to kingdom come!

With Gloves on his own and wanted by the police he has to rely on his fellow mobsters to get the job, in stopping the motorboat attack, done all by themselves. And with time running out it would take next to a miracle for that to happen. But with Gloves Leda and the boys going into action that miracle can very well be achieved!

Released on December 2, 1941 just five days before the Japansese attack on Pearl Harbor and nine days after German Furher Adolph Hitler's Declaration of War against the US the movie "All Through the Night's" release couldn't have been more timely! Even though when it was released at a time when the US & Nazi German as well as Imperial Japan were technically still at peace with each other! Even more ironic was the planned attack by Nazi fanatic Ebbing on a US Navy battleship which was eerily reminiscent of the Al-Qeada attack on the US Navy warship USS Cole sixty years later on October 12, 2000 in the Bay of Yemen on the Red Sea. Did the Al-Qeada terrorist organization get their idea to do in the USS Cole by watching the film "All Through the Night" that may have inspire them to do it?
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