The Devil's Arithmetic (1999 TV Movie)
Our Class Review (2nd and 6th hour)
25 January 2013
(Second Hour's Review) "The Devil's Arithmetic" is heart-racing, historical fiction, stomach churning, and completely sorrowful movie. The movie, released in 1999, stars Kirsten Dunst as Hannah. Who is portrayed as a modern, city-girl who doesn't want to learn about her cultural history until she is forced. Director Donna Deitch does a phenomenal job exploring the plot in an emotional way. Hannah's experience starts by being taken from her Aunt Eva's, played by Louise Fletcher, Seder dinner and transferred back to the beginning of the Holocaust. Along the way she meets Rivkah, played by Brittany Murphy, and many others that help her get back home. For historical fiction, the "Devil's Arithmetic" was wonderful! I would give this film 4 out of 5 stars. I thought that the "Devil's Arithmetic" portrayed the Holocaust very well and very emotionally. The actors chosen for the film did a phenomenal job portraying the characters. The setting was realistic and very detailed. This movie is great at teaching young kids that family and remembering history and your culture is important. I believe that teens and young adults will be able to relate to Hannah's character and her journey. (6th Hour's Review) The holocaust was dreadful, filled with pain and anguish. Jane Yolen is a Jewish author that brought us a thrilling yet sad story, The Devil's Arithmetic, of an ordinary girl remembering the past. Since many of us are way too lazy to sit down and read a book the director took the liberty of making a movie of this fascinating novel.Directed by Donna Deitch, this 1999 filn stars Kirsten Dunst as Hannah Stern, Brittany Murphy as Rivkah, and Louise Fletcher as Aunt Eva. The documentary-like drama follows Hannah Stern, an American teenager who would much rather hang out with her friends then go to her family's Seder dinner, during Passover. She reluctantly comes home late and the family goes to their Aunt Eva's for the celebration. Hannah participates, but is very hesitant to be included in the family's customs. After the traditional dinner and wine drinking, she is chosen to open the door for the prophet Elijah and is transported into another world where she relives the Holocaust as a young Jewish girl in Poland. It is at this time her cousin Rivkah is introduced into the plot and the two experience the horrors of a Nazi concentration camp together. This film was exceptional on many levels. The casting was fantastic! Kristen Dunst and Brittany Murphy really portrayed the characters well. Giving this movie a solid 8 stars, I would recommend that you see it.
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