Review of Blade

Blade (2011)
'Blade' anime series gives vampire fans new adventures from Marvel character
11 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I've never been a big fan of Marvel Comics. I don't read any of their titles on a regular basis. I enjoy all the movies, but fancy myself more of a DC guy. The Marvel characters I gravitate towards seem to be the anti-heroes and darker ones like Ghost Rider, the Punisher, and Blade.

I like all the Blade films and the short-lived TV series. What's not to like about watching a half-vampire / half-human who uses his namesake to eradicate the evil bloodsuckers of the world? Now we get to enjoy an anime version of the vampire hunter's adventures thanks to Marvel and Japan's Madhouse.

The "Blade" Anime Series includes all 12 episodes on 2 DVDs. The show takes off when Eric Brooks, known in the vampire world as Blade, goes on the hunt for Deacon Frost. Frost is a rare four-fanged fiend that killed Brooks' mother. Blade partners up with several interesting characters in his quest for vengeance. He even runs into Wolverine in one of the episodes. The animation for this show is superb. There's plenty to keep your eyes glued to the screen. The colors are vibrant and the artwork is stylish. Fans of anime will love it and those who don't necessarily enjoy the style will appreciate it for the gory visuals and intelligent story lines.

Writer Warren Ellis (Secret Avengers) penned the tale for the series. It's intricate and each episode ties together, forcing you to keep up. It's not a show you can jump into in the middle. Even if one segment stands alone, there's so much occurring in the background that viewers will be lost when it comes to events the characters discuss regularly. The special features included in the collection will thrill fans. There's a 30-minute documentary entitled "Special Talk Session: Marvel Anime's 'Blade' and 'Wolverine.'" The director and crew are interviewed about working behind the scenes on the shows. Two featurettes, "The Marvel Anime Universe: Blade Re-Awakened" and "Blade: The Vampire Slayer," give viewers a more in-depth look at how the series came to be.

The "Blade" Anime Series DVD will please comic book and horror fans alike. If you love the character already, this will satisfy you. If you're a vampire fan, get ready for a variety of bloodsucking monsters you've never dreamed of before. There's an abundance of evil beasts we get to see destroyed in different ways. I also wanted to mention this has a fantastic audio mix. You can hear all sorts of great effects and sounds throughout the episodes. This is a must-have for everyone who loves horror films and comics.
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