The Devil's Arithmetic (1999 TV Movie)
Nazi summer camp for kids
28 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I understand this movie is an intro to the holocaust for Jewish teens but it is honesty so watered down that it feels like your watching a bad summer camp movie. Everyone in here acts as though they are slightly inconvenienced by the Nazi's detaining and murdering them. There is no emotional impact in this movie as this makes the holocaust look tame. The most emotional scene is when poor little Kristen Dunst gets her hair cut boo ho. I loved how all the prisoners looked clean and like they had makeup on, they want to look good for the Nazi's. The hanging scene was so unemotional it felt fake. I would think if you watched your family get killed like that you would lose your freaking mind not mildly sob like your boyfriend broke up with you. There was no emotional agony from families being torn apart, it's like they accepted their fate without going through any of the coping stages. It would be like if they made a movie where a woman is diagnosed with terminal cancer and has a month to live and she brushes it off with no emotional response and went on with her daily life. If you wanted teens to come back from this movie changed you're deluding yourself. Teens see more graphic violence on TV and video games, I think they could handle the gruesome accounts from the holocaust. Hell, it would be better to expose then to the horrors of the holocaust before they become so numb to violence that it wouldn't effect them at all. Christian parents dragged their little brats to watch Passion of The Christ, the worst snuff film in history, I think Jewish kids could handle Schindler's List.

The second thing I hated about this movie was it's blatant moral motive. This move is meant to guilt trip Jewish kids into accepting their religious heritage. I have never believed in the idea that scaring and forcing children into faith is an ethical or effective means to conserve religion. There are more effective and loving ways to teach faith. This movie feels like the Christian equivalent of telling a child they will burn in eternal pain if they don't believe and live by religious dogma. Children should be free to decide for themselves and a loving family would support them.

The ending was so bland and unemotional. They stripped the women down, magically no nudity, forced them into a small room and dropped blue cat litter from the ceiling and then suddenly everyone died instantly with no suffering. The way the nude girls fell to the ground as the camera pulled away and faded out looked like a cheesy album cover, again they managed to magically show no nudity. Everything about this movie failed. It made me laugh and you should never laugh about something so horrible.
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