Oh what fun it is to wait the day before the big day
7 December 2011
If Arnold Schwarzenegger had not been the lead actor in Jingle All The Way, maybe I would've liked it more. He portrays his character in an awkward, out of place matter and sounds like he inspired Tommy Wiseau's voice in The Room. When considering the possibilities for a desperate father, hellbent on getting his kid something for the holidays, why did they have to go with such a tough guy like Schwarzenegger? Couldn't they pick someone who looks geeky and innocent like Rick Moranis? It's no fun when the desperation comes from some giant, intimidating man who, when smiles, appears to be in a permanent sarcastic state.

Jingle All The Way remakes that faithful Christmas where Cabbage Patch Kids and Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers were selling like hot cakes in local toy stores. The mass sell out encouraged fights and I'm willing to bet many kids didn't get the one present they were hoping for. The story replaces the Kids and the Rangers toys with an ultra-cool TurboMan action figure equipped with the shiniest plastic around and five different phrases.

Howard's (Schwarzenegger) son Jamie (Lloyd) wants nothing but a TurboMan action figure for Christmas, but Howard is such a workaholic that he completely forgets. His wife Liz (Wilson) is also getting tired of his "work is more important than family" attitude. Howard lies to Liz about getting the toy, and now spends his entire Christmas Eve frantically running around in search of comedic inspiration and a TurboMan action figure.

The plot is very slim, and seems like it would be perfect for a twenty-two minute episode of Full House. You follow? Like Stephanie wants this gotta-have-it stuffed bear for Christmas, Jesse, Danny, and Joey try to obtain it on the twenty-third or twenty-fourth when it's out all across town. So, they return home with another similar toy, Stephanie opens it on Christmas and complains. The three men then tell her the true meaning of Christmas, and she becomes a bit happier, than by some miracle Kimmy Gibbler or someone gets her the bear and the credits roll.

The same comic setup and ability could've been provided in twenty-two minutes, and didn't need to be extended into a feature length film. Jingle All The Way has the energy to make a fair attempt to carry the setup, as well as its ability to present its characters as likable people. What it doesn't do is show the true meaning of Christmas. The premise is very materialistic, and the characters always act on present emotions.

This is holiday-fluff, and that's perfectly fine. Little kids will enjoy it, and parents will get the chuckle if they remember holiday shopping experiences like this one. It works both ways. Energy comes in mass amounts, the ending is cute, and colors are vibrant. But the fight scenes, like the one between Arnold and the con-Santas are tiring and relentless. Maybe next year, Arnold might try his luck with Black Friday.

Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rita Wilson, Jake Lloyd, and Sinbad. Directed by: Brian Levant.
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