The clichés just don't want to Die
5 November 2011
If anyone believes that going into a mental institution is about a private mansion on the Hudson, a Yamaha grand piano to play whenever (one in- tune, for that matter) and common rooms adorned with nice lamps, forget it. As for open, empty outdoor swimming pools and unsupervised indoor, full ones, well!

My worry is that anyone who does feel an affinity for this film's subject matter because they are indeed, themselves, suicidal, will feel that candy-flossed, contrived and convoluted hokums such as this will make them feel a bit better - or a little more comfortable, will only keep that thought for no longer than the 90 minutes this film goes on for.

Michelle Gellar's performance is good but what a sheer waste of David Thewlis's talents, one of England's finest character actors, for taking his part, as the dodgy Doc.

I have to admit, I was put off from the start with the usual Radiohead 'music of misery' scenario and I never really gave it a chance from then on. I could see some attractive sentiment and well-meaning toward the end but the route taken was belittling, patronising and almost dangerous.
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