Make It or Break It (2009–2012)
This is captivating; motivating; inspiring and simply amazing, the whole package.
28 June 2011
All I can say about this show is ... it is absolutely wonderful. It is jam packed with emotion and it really takes you on a journey. I am motivated and energised watching and I look forward to watching it over again!

When I began watching the pilot I thought - it'll be a one season wonder. But as I continued to watch I found myself connecting with each character - while there are characters I do not 'like' as such, the tension truly enhances the show and engages the audience. This is so captivating; motivating; inspiring and simply amazing; the whole package.

The show is more about more than just gymnastics. The success and failure of each gymnast is moving but most of all - the spirit of the team is contagious and can be applied to almost every setting. Each character has such a complex story and though it appears at first to be "predictable" I find that my predictions are often wrong or there is some twist to it. I must say that certain events made me cry whilst watching. I found myself pulling a Payson Keeler happy cry. I do think she is the most beautiful character. The strength, power, discipline and grace of her character is inspiring. I have never felt so moved by a character.

Every episode of this show is an emotional roller coaster and I absolutely love it. I hope this show goes on to create many seasons and follows the same characters through their lives. This is an amazing show and I hope it wins its own "Olympic Gold" equivalent.
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