Powerful Story
3 February 2011
This is a powerful story of forgiveness and courage. Or the courage to forgive what may seems to be unforgivable. You will not find the right answer to a human dilemma here, but sure enough you'll find some very right questions.

This story is about a father who hurt his children. Now ¿can we so easily say you can't love such a father? ¿Or there was not love in this father? ¿If someone you love hurts you, can you still find love in your heart for him/her? Wonderful questions to ask yourself.

Not an easy piece but not hard to watch. There are no low punches or unnecessary violence there.

Love this short film and was delighted by the story and the character, spatiality for how such a complex drama can be unfolded so strongly in just 17 minutes or so.

This story is a must!
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