Review of Felicity

Felicity (1998– )
Now this is what television should be
2 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
When Felicity first aired in 1998, I was only 13 years old and lived in a little town in nowhere, Alaska that didn't have TV. So I missed out on the episodes when they were first aired.

It wasn't until my own Senior year of high school that I didn't have many classes to take and a lot of time on my hands before going off to college that I surfed through the channels once after we finally got satellite, to land on this show as reruns on the WE network.

One single episode was all it took for me to fall absolutely head-over-feet in love with this show. So many of my classmates would talk about other shows like Dawson's Creek and My So Called Life. They examined high school however, and since high school wasn't something I could relate to nor did I want to - I decided to catch a glimpse of the college experience through the eyes of artists.

I don't use the term "artists" lightly. This show not only captured pretty realistic viewpoints of what college life is actually like, but it dealt with serious issues in a way that was not over-dramatic and really heartfelt.

So many people like to point out that teens are always the ones with the complex lives and all the nostalgia to look back on. This show proves that its actually the people just starting the rest of their lives after high school that can really reach a place within themselves and discover who they are through "the smallest decisions".

And Felicity, not only as a character, but as a show, really takes the audience on that same journey of self-enlightenment.
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