Review of Carlos

Carlos (2010)
OK I'll admit I didn't watch a whole hell of a lot of this movie cause somehow
28 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
CARLOS! He of the petulant pout struttin down the street, he gets the funniest looks from everyone he meet! Now this is a man who can "do" passionate revolutionary engaged in heated sizzling discussion at the cafe in London just as well as anyone but when this boy touches his own body in the little make shift steam room oh so suggestively well rub a dub dub and peek a boo pubes!! (And all of this long before the metrosexual phenomenon! ) When this man kisses his gun and says to his latest galpal, revolutionary chick #3, "lick my grenade!" I mean we know we're in the midst of a film that is likely one of the Best Films of the Year!

Benicio del Toro was NOT available, but he was not missed at all! Why for he'd already JUST 'done' "Che" and it would have been terribly confusing! Imagine when revolutionary chick #2 - the one with the tight sweater and massive lady pillows - says, "look at Che!" his method acting would have probably DEMANDED as a historical imperative that he rip off his clothes and hold everybody hostage for a 3-way mirror! Did someone say "3-way"?! I just think that Olivier Assayas really outdid himself with this Provocative Look at the Baader Meinhoff phenomenon, filmed in glorious hand-held medium closeups throughout - why good lord it made it seem to REAL I felt I was in the room with them myself, makin history and makin love! If it'd been one of those new fangled 3-D productions I think I would have popcorn might have ended up creamed corn!
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