The Ugly Truth AKA Sexism: The Movie
18 June 2010
I like Romantic comedies, they humorous and never try to preach to much. Last good one I saw was Knocked Up and it was sweet. But according to the female lead in it was Sexist. Yes... okay what's your move Miss Heigl

*Katherine Heigl stars in The Ugly Truth*

There is no way nice way of putting this. There no kind way to lay this out. But this movie is freaking sexist. It paints men as sex crazed dogs, without an ounce of romance within them and everything they do is solely for sex. Move over Knocked Up, a film that made me laugh that was beautiful that really told a wonderful story.

Here we have a film that speaks down to woman, objectifies them and actually says this is right. That all men want is sex therefore woman should accept this and dress like whores, act like whores and overall listen to misogyny.

This film hurt me, it made me sick, I'm so glad only saw review because nothing about this movie appealed to me. The characters, the script, the music. It was all to paint men as sex crazed Neanderthals.

I'm 19, I want love, I want a relationship, I don't want sex for sex sake. And I'm demographic this movie aimed at.

Honestly it claims men only pretend to listen, that men only care what will get them laid. It doesn't have any nuances doesn't have any redeeming features and it's so contrived.

How can you call Knocked Up sexist and then go to star in this? It's beyond me.

There only one ugly truth here hypocrisy, making a film that attacks men rather than woman is just as bad as sexism against woman.

Trust me girls, this movie isn't realistic to any degree of real people.

So it just depresses me, how much people love this movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1142988/

Gender wars is a pathetic use of anyone time, once you see people as anyone other than the shallow superficial crap you think of us as, then truly there will be less of this contrived and jaded nonsense.

God this movie annoyed the hell out of me.

Don't watch.
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