Review of Polycarp

Polycarp (2007)
One of the Worst Movies of All Time
20 May 2010
"Polycarp" or "Kinky Killers" was so abysmal I had to abandon the movie. There was just no sense in watching this dreck.

This movie has it all: bad narrative, bad acting, sterile photography, horrendous editing and weak direction.

It's clear Del Vecchio did absolutely no research when it came to police procedure or psychiatry. This not only made for a pathetic and trite story, but one without substance or even the most remote connection to reality.

This had the feel of a very bad made for TV movie written by something with an idea, yet had no sense of story or character. The worst part was seeing both Durning and Pare degrade themselves.

This is easily one of the worst movies I have ever seen.
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