Nashville (1975)
A Whole Nother Nashville.................with politics............
11 May 2010
This is definitely not the Nashville I know. This film may have a deep message at the end, but after a hundred and fifty-nine minutes of almost continuous singing, I think I could live without it. I agree this film has some underlying and at times dark messages about government and the straining process of politics. Not exactly my cup of tea, but this film does present a rather interesting political landscape. However, it is hard to see past the music, I almost felt like I should have been singing as well, like a sort of sing along picture. Now, the performances here are all well rounded, and I will give the actors credit for their singing talents. As well some of the actors wrote their own songs, which is also not any less impressive. The ending I suppose was meant to be a take it or leave it, throw it at the audiences face, scenario. I personally am not impressed by this move possibly seen as creativity. I felt no sense of shock or awe from the conclusion. The film does shine in its ability to create an entire other world without filming in odd locations or sets. It creates a politically harsh world full of those corrupting and those being corrupted. The style in which the film was shot was rather unique. The camera angles provided this raw sense of reality once again adding to this surreal vibe. This film definitely suffers from being to long as well in the long run somewhat repetitive in its musical displays and its ever recurring theme. Overall this film is bold in its attempt to create not just a political message but a whole new political world. However it seems to me to drag out this message way too long and use its creativeness against itself.
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