Dora the Explorer (2000–2019)
I find it too repetitive to be honest...
10 May 2010
I have tried to like Dora the Explorer, as I am all for educational shows. For example Tots TV, Sesame Street and Rosie and Jim were educational and all three of them I loved as a kid because they were also a lot of fun. As an 18 year old girl, I kept in consideration that this was a kids show, but sorry I don't like it. The first problem and my major problem with Dora the Explorer is that it is too repetitive. The scripting, the music, the story lines... they felt the same in every episode. Another problem is that I for one don't find it educational, there was an episode when Dora I think counted to ten in Spanish. Kids will definitely find that educational, but for someone who studied Spanish for two years, I couldn't help rolling my eyes at something I already knew. Then the story lines are unoriginal for the most part, the music is forgettable(to me that is though I do appreciate that they were keeping it simple for kids to remember, but I personally felt they went overboard with the simplicity), the characters are thin, the writing is shallow and for me the voice acting was unexceptional. On a plus, the animation was nice to look at, simple but colourful and bright. Overall, sorry but I don't like it, kids will love it but being older it doesn't appeal to me. 1/10 for the animation. Bethany Cox
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