Jaws (1975)
Great characterization but predictable story.
6 May 2010
If "Jaws" succeeds at anything, it's in making the viewer really start to question what's in the water with them. You'd be hard-pressed to find anyone that wouldn't give this movie some thought before ever heading into the ocean again. This story is essentially a man versus nature tale, and serves as a reminder that although we are the most intelligent species on the planet, there are forces of nature bigger than we are.

"Jaws" succeeds in establishing a dynamic group of characters whose interactions with one another are interesting to watch. The war veteran turned fisherman gets his rocks off by teasing the intellectual scientist, the chief just tries to keep peace to save his community...the dynamics of the relationships were interesting enough. Where I feel "Jaws" fails is in the story department, because although we have some interesting multi-faceted characters, the plot is still that of a B-movie. The story of a shark terrorizing a coastal community could easily have been a Roger Corman production. Spielberg manages to elevate the material to A-level status with his use of great actors and a script that fleshes the characters out more than any B-movie would attempt, and his direction produces some genuine moments of suspense, but it's predictable fare. There are few surprises for the viewer, and anyone that believes the movie will end with the shark still alive hasn't seen enough Hollywood films.

I commend Spielberg for making entire generations afraid to go into the water. But nevertheless let's not forget this is a popcorn film, elevated slightly by a good set of characters.
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