Review of V

V (2009–2011)
Terrible script, miniscule cast
31 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The creators of this contemporary cut of V seem to have missed the critical elements of the 1983 original, that being character development, a large cast portraying many interesting interleaved plot threads (think any 1970s disaster flic – Airport, Towering Inferno, Poseidon Adventure et al), likable characters (who could ever forget Jane Badler as Diana? or the highly charismatic Willie played by Robert Englund ?)

Morena Baccarin as Anna seems to be be doing a soap commercial in every scene we see of her. I swear she has the same expression in every scene. Also, why does she walk like a Kaminoan?

The script is the worst part, talk about inconstant writing style that even manages to surpass Star Trek Next Generation in this department.

Though it may look prettier, special effect fans will be disappointed because even though the 1983 original may look a bit dated, it still possesses vastly more special effect shots of shuttle crafts and motherships.

So if a sci-fi show has neither a good story or decent special effects, what good is it?


* Father Jack Landry is so terrified in the first two episodes as a priest when he witnesses something dreadful, but then I believe in episode 4 when he just happens to know how to remove a bullet from a wound that we learn that he served twice during the Iraq war. What? So he never saw anything violent during his two tours of duty? come on!

* Tyler Evans the teenager who defies and lies to his mother about staying away from the V's, gets the guilt's and tries ONCE to talk to his mum but because she's busy he in a huff, goes to see a therapist saying "…I can't talk to my mother anymore…". What a hypocrite, and since when would a rebel archetype such as Tyler go all touchy feely and decide to lookup a shrink? I think not.

* The V's have superior technology and fly into and invade the US airspace unhindered but laughing still require a Travel Visa to move around the USA! What arrogance.

* V's superior medical technology can supposedly make people see again, cure cancel, cure scars, can reverse engineer your entire medical history and yet fail to determine that a human is pregnant with a V and is allowed to return to home after the scan. I think not.
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