Wolfhound (2006)
Great movie, for what it is
2 September 2009
Loved this movie, not really sure why. Its a dubbed movie, but the voices they used don't match some of the characters to me. Some points in the movie I got confused, but they tie it all together pretty well if you pay attention to what is going on. Watching the movie a second time cleared everything up that I didn't catch the first time. I had to do the same with two towers and return of the king. Not saying this movie on the same level as either of those movies, but it is still a good movie. If you are looking for something to compare it to, the cover of the movie comes pretty close. Its a mix of Conan the Barbarian and LOTR, but with some elements of the D&D movie(the one with Marlon Waynes *shivers*) and In the Name of the King(the only Uwe Boll movie i will watch). Its a good rental, if nothing else to make fun of with your friends MST 3000 style, but I bought it to have something to watch when im bored.
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