Review of District 9

District 9 (2009)
Very disappointed by both the movie and the other reviewers.
18 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I am appalled that so many people love this film, with many claiming it to be a masterpiece. It was the rave reviews and the high ratings that influenced my decision to watch this film, but now that I have seen it, I honestly do not see what all the buzz is about. This movie failed to deliver on almost every end. The characters were flat, the filming style was annoying, and the plot was unbelievable with too many holes.


While the action isn't great either, the main problem with the film is that it makes an obvious attempt to appeal to the empathy of the audience and horrible fails at it because of absurdity. The success of this movie relies on whether or not the audience actually cares about the main character, Wikus, but there is no character development. The so called bond between the alien wearing the red clothes and Wikus, is laughable. The movie barely shows them together throughout the film, but for some unapparent reason, we're expected to accept that by the end of the movie they've developed a close bond out of thin air. A bond that they are willing to risk their lives for. "I won't leave you", says the aliens, "I'll come back...I promise". Huh?... What a load of ridiculous crap. Was I supposed to shed a tear at that moment. For those of you who actually felt emotional at that moment, I worry for you. I mean, Wikus was not even a likable guy. The whole time he acted like an asshole and he had an utterly annoying accent. Did the director of this movie expect us to actually care about the guy. I sure as hell didn't. He was a selfish bastard throughout the whole movie, who only cared about himself. The only reason I could come up with for why he protected the alien at the end was that it was his only chance of becoming human again. I can honestly say that I think that he got what he deserved.

The story also contains too many flaws. Gaping flaws that make this movie nearly unwatchable. For this part I'll just ask all the questions that I have. I mean, how is it possible that the aliens got stranded on Earth in the first place and then after 20 some years, the mothership seems to magically work again? Why does alien fuel turn a guy into an alien? Why would the aliens have an antidote for a guy turning into an alien? Why would Wikus only cut off a finger? Why didn't the aliens retaliate with their superior technology? Why would the government allow the aliens to be so loosely controlled? Why do the aliens act like savages even though they are supposed to be an advanced race? Why can't the aliens contact their planet, wouldn't they have the technology? Why are humans allowed to stay in District 9? Why would Wikus's wife actual believe that he performed some sort of sexual activity with an alien? Why is a spaceship buried under ground? Am I missing something?

Yes, I am being a bit too critical, but it's just because people keep saying that this movie is so so great and it bothers me. I have much more to say, but I'll just leave it at this. I give this movie a 4 out of 10.
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