Worst Kubrick film
11 August 2009
I'm sorry for the lopsided rating but this movie needs to be dropped down a peg from it's absurd status on the IMDb 250. How this ever got lumped in the other great Kubrick movies I will never know. In Dr. Strangelove you had an awesome dialog about war and with A Clockwork you had a look at violence and rehabilitation as well as many other things.

In 2001 you have a look at monkeys for 12 or so minutes. Everyone gets it. It's not hard to get, it's pretty, it has some smart writing but the lack of editing is like watching someones life from beginning to end. 2001: An Eternity would be more fitting. I know some people will say you know what it's perfect, every minute had to be there. That's fine I wouldn't want to rob you of your monkey action or your ship docking sequences but I swear you could do this movie in a short and not lose the message.

Maybe that was the point, To do a movie with space imagery and a ton of sunrise images that you can play you're enigma CD with the lights dimmed low as you try and woe some woman with your impressive movie watching resume. Whatever the case this movie shouldn't be uttered in the same breath as his other movies, they actually have content.

Knowing his work and picking this one over the rest would be like picking Bad Boys 2 over The Third Man, Eye candy over substance.
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