Editor? Editor!!!!!
22 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Reading some of the earlier comments, I began to wonder if I'd seen the same film. It is gaggingly-poorly edited/scripted. Watching it with friends, our comment at scene-changes was "and now, in an entirely different movie...." Motivation for the characters' actions? Why did Rachel leave Jeff in Mexico and go back to James? "Because you couldn't handle things" ... but he (oops SPOILER ALERT!) had just thrown the victim's body in a river (after hauling it several miles...). And then she says to James, "You have to let me go." But she just came back to HIM. Sigh.

James Woods' character changes about half way through, too; goes from being Mista Gangsta to the guy who looses the girl. Although Mr. Woods does a very courageous/convincing job of staying with the schizophrenic character. If there could be a reason to slog through this film, James Woods would be it. Aside from Rachel Ward/eye candy but, as another reviewer commented, she spends most of her time in baggy outfits that your (staunch Puritan) mother would approve of. One of the guys watching the film with us: "We wuz robbed! When does she take her clothes off?"

It was as if someone were trying to make An Art Film by chopping the scenes/changing the context every few minutes. Either that or everybody wanted to get some $$ for spending a lot of time hanging out on the beach. Hey, where do I sign up?
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