Six Feet Under (2001–2005)
This moved me...please opinion
20 March 2009
I started watching this show cause it was on cable HBO on-demand a few months ago. I always heard good things about it. Plus I figured HBO has provided me with some of my favorite shows in the past few years (Entourage, The Sapranos, True Blood) so this should be pretty good.

The show came out while I was in college, where we had no cable since I lived on campus but my friends and stuff that went home on the weekends raved about this show.

So needless to say I gave it a try. I was hooked…every month HBO on demand would give us 7 new episodes and I would watch them all within the first 3 days.

4 months later I was up to the first half of season 4. Finishing those episodes pretty fast I went online and started watching the second half and all of season 5 online cause I could not stop, I was SO hooked.

I just finished watching the final episode… WOW.

This show came full circle and ended so perfectly. Watching all 5 seasons, I was moved. The final 8 minutes I watched 4 times cause it was done so well, I was moved… I lost a best friend of mine a year ago to a tragic accident. I think about her every day. Death has always scared me, its my biggest fear and watching this show sometimes made me go nuts with all the analyzing of death and life but I still watched and sometimes it made me feel better and gave me some perspective on the subject.

I really related a lot to the character of Nate. He reminds me of me in a lot of ways and I liked Clair also but towards the end of the series I fully understood each character, their pain, their lives, everything… I have family and friends just like them, we all do.

This show really captures life. The bad and the good… and the really bad…and the moments in between.

I am 26 years old, and I don't think their will ever be another show like this on TV ever again. I am even a little bit sad that I wont be keeping tabs on the Fisher family and their friends ever again now that the show is over.

"Everyone, Everything, Everywhere, ends" and so did Six Feet Under.

Thank you to the writers, producers, director, and actors for making this important show about life and death. It helped me in some ways with my own views on death and life…Thank you.
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