Before Forrest Gump
19 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Sort of a weird and off-beat film with touching characters, the World According to Garp is a movie that came before Forrest Gump in that lineage of thinking. It offers interesting quirky characters and strange captivating story lines. It's pacing is pretty pedestrian, but performances are good enough to make you you forget about the slower parts. I had a bit of a problem with the ending which seemed starkly contrary to most of the other tone of the story. It seemed to pull the movie in the direction of absurdity. I especially liked supporting role by Mary Beth Hurt. She resembles and reminded of Karen Allen and seemed pretty believable. Robin Williams as usual does a better job as a dramatic actor rather than his comic goofy self where he almost always ends up trying too hard. He doesn't have to in this film; his youth and maybe nervousness shows in a good way. Worth a viewing if you like 1 part quirky, 2 parts drama in your movie.
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