This Devil does not wear Pravda
1 January 2009
What a terrific performance from the lead female, bursting with faith and power; worth a look for that alone. And magnificent battle scenes and costumes is another highlight of this movie. The story is about the real life Joan of Arc who whilst still a teen and hearing voices from God went about saving medieval France from the clutches of the invading English,but then again politic are politics....


On the negative side many of the actors are very English and are meant to be French so that causes a bit of a problem as the whole film is in English;plus give certain actors costumes and frills and they "camp" it up no end, and at times this picture is almost Pantomine stuff.

And the worst of it is that Dustin Hoffmann plays some spook meant to be the conscience or Devil in Joan and he nearly ruins the film with his conceited "hey-look-at-me-what a star-I am". Well Dustin I got a message for you and it don't come from above: You very nearly destroy this film and you ought to stick to the likes of being Mrs Robinsons' Toy Boy as you are out of your depth in this one despite you believing otherwise.

Hence I have taken two votes off for the appalling Dustin and my vote is:

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