A decent black comedy--I just hope if you watch it you find a better print
1 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A JOLLY BAD FELLOW is a seldom-seen British comedy that stars Leo McKern. He plays a very misanthropic professor who has disdain for most of the human race. In particular, he's a strong advocate of eugenics--the notion that "inferior" people should not be allowed to breed. He also dislikes people that annoy him--gossips, nosy people and fools. When he accidentally stumbles upon a drug that can kill AND leave no traces, he decides that the world is better off without several people and kills them--without the least hint of conscience!

From the above plot, it's pretty obvious that this comedy is very, very dark indeed. While not as brilliant or funny as I had hoped, the film gets high marks for being original and clever--in particular, how the film ends. In particular, it was nice seeing McKern--he was a good actor and was believable in this sort of role.

My only reservation in recommending it is not the fault of the original production but on the quality of the print I saw. Wham!USA produced the DVD that I got through Netflix and there are a few places where bits and pieces of the film seem to be missing and some of the print is scratchy. If possible, perhaps if another company makes this DVD as well their copy might be better, though because it is such an uncommon film, this may just be the only DVD out there.
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