Review of Polycarp

Polycarp (2007)
I could think of better titles for this film
11 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Like "Poly-crap" instead of Polycarp. It was released under the title "Kinky Killers".

Do I even want to attempt to do a synopsis? Okay, here goes? A serial killer is going around slaughtering young blonde strippers and removing key body parts, after tattooing them with things supposedly from the bible as interpreted by someone who's never read it. This film was produced by German filmmakers, who obviously think America is full of bible thumping maniacs and thuggish cops.

The hero of the movie I guess is Michael Pare, who has gotten fatter and still can't act his way out of a wet paper bag. Sadder still is the participation of Charles Durning, who really is a good actor, but does three scenes which make absolutely no sense so they can put his name on the DVD cover and trick you into thinking you are seeing a better movie.

The movie ends with the few surviving characters being captured by the cult, who mangle out some explanation about how they are trying to summon Lucifer by boiling human body parts in a vat.

There are a lot of sex scenes in this movie, some of which almost work. Characters are introduced and you don't really know who they are or what they are doing there. You can tell you are almost at the end of the movie because they run out of actors to kill off.

Utter, complete and total crap!
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