10,000 BC (2008)
I never realized how good the dental insurance was back then for cave men
9 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
OK, after hearing many horrible reviews for 10,000 BC, I have to say that I was really put off, this I was assuming was supposed to be the big kick off to the huge block busters. But I got to see it for free, and I always think that sometimes people just misjudge a film, even though my co-worker warned me, I still went for it and saw it. Thank God the movie ended when it did, I had the neuce around my neck by the end of this film. I mean, seriously, did the "writer" do any history homework?! First off, let's talk about appearances, the "cave men" have perfect teeth, have evolved well for what's supposed to be over 10,000 years ago, and remove the dirt, they're skin belongs in a Neutragina ad. Script? Was there one? I have no idea, the story made absolutely no sense and the ending was horrible. I don't want to give away what happens, but trust me, I think you'll be as confused as I was.

I'm going to try my best to explain the plot to you, it's high school drama with cave men, so bare with me. De'Leh is a cave man with his tribe and has earned the title of "best warrior", he is allowed to have any woman, so he picks his childhood sweet heart, Evolet, but he later feels as if he didn't earn that right, so he "gives her up". She is kidnapped by another gang, oh, no! Whatever will he do? He gave her up, but he still digs her and never even got a kiss! So he goes after her with a few of his friends and find themselves fighting saber-tooth's, monstrous snow storms, a snake river, and even a god who got a bad nail job. Oh, let's hope he can save his girlfriend in time and all will be well.

That's the Cliff's Notes version I can come up with. May I just say that I absolutely loved how the cave men spoke perfect English, seriously, I didn't realize that it was possible for them to speak that well in American English. This script was written for 12 year old's, seriously. Then they put in these awkward jokes, strange characters that are more laughable than serious, and a love story that would seriously be so non-existent if this was an accurate portrayal of history. I don't mind when they "bend" the truth for dramatic purposes, but this was the friggin' Seasamse Street version of cave men history. Stay away from this trash, it's just a waste of time, sadly, how many good movies could have been made with the budget they probably put onto this film? I'm seeing at least 7 already.

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