A bit of a disappointment
26 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is a film for the die-hard Clooney/Soderbergh fans, its a typical vehicle for these guys, full of George looking preoccupied and full of angst (but still clean shaven and his hair is always perfect) while the atmosphere drips with the corruption and hypocrisy of corporate types and people try to kill him. Etc etc. Yawn. Its Syriana without Arabs.

Any lawyer will tell you that the idea that a law firm would employ a special someone to go around "fixing" the odd shady deal is complete horse feathers. All lawyers are equipped to do that, you don't need a specialist. And the idea that a lawyer would jump ship to go work for the other side in a law suit is also not happening. Firstly, you aren't allowed to do that. Secondly, no one is changing clients when you already have the one with the most money.

And if George is so good at keeping things under control, why can't he control his own relationship with the law firm? Why has he been getting shafted for all these years by these guys? Not so smart and tough after all, I guess.

From a structural point of view, the movie jumps around which is confusing and adds nothing in my opinion. But it does distract you from the fact that the whole thing is formulaic and doesn't make a lot of sense.

And why did he stop to talk to the horses anyway? Is that the best they could come up with to avoid his car troubles? Overrated film in my view. Best picture material? Hardly.

Go watch the verdict with Paul Newman or even Erin Brokovich for the better play on these issues.
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