I saw it 1st
8 February 2008
This is my 1st ever post on IMDb so I apologise in advance if it's crap! I was 1 of the 1st members of public to see this film as I attended a preview for research and marketing purposes and i had to fill in a questionnaire at the end...yadayadayada (U know what i mean). The film was not what i expected at all. I was expecting a load of drug taking scenes and thought the whole film would have a "dirty" feel to it such as "Blow" or "Pulp Fiction" but it actually turned out to be a very sensitive film. I was moved by the emotional story of this guy's messed up childhood. I was extremely impressed by Claire Forlani's performance even though she's not in the film for that long. This film will give you goosebumps and a trembling lip from the emotional roller-coaster that is this Flashbacks Of A Fool. Good film. Girls in their 30s to late 40s will prefer it to guys. Great 70s Soundtrack (and that's coming from me, a 23 year old!) The soundtrack album should be really good.

Thanks for devoting 2 minutes of your life to read this! I really appreciate it.
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