Should have been a whole lot better...
26 July 2007
I thought this movie might continue the temporary resurgence of Burt after Boogie Nights but once again showed his achiles heel...he just makes bad choices! The script needed a lot of work, the number of characters needed to be cut down, that stupid soundtrack needed to have been trimmed drastically and there was no real directing in the it it a it a thriller?! Burts performance is quite good - he always manages to be OK even in garbage - but his bad plastic surgery does not help here. Overall, this is a mess of a movie. I tend to enjoy Burt Reynolds movies but his recent decisions have not been good. His plastic surgery has ensured he won't get cast for any serious roles and he has now just ended up in cameo roles. It's a shame really, as he is a far better actor than people give him credit for and someone with genuine screen prescence.
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