Bernard and Bianca Head to the Outback Down Under to One-Up the Bad Guys!
12 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Our adventure picks up where our last never left off: the Australian outback. On this fine day, Cody, a young, adventurous boy, discovers a very large, beautiful eagle caught in a poacher's trap. Using his skill, Cody worked quickly to save the eagle and so sparked an instantaneous friendship. On the eagle's back, Cody soared high over the plains and valleys of the world's smallest continent. He was king of the world. The eagle took Cody to her nest and showed him her eggs. She was a mother eagle. The father eagle, though, was sadly killed by a poacher. On his way home, Cody stopped to help a field mouse caught in another trap when suddenly he himself fell into a larger trap. And then, who should come along but Percival C. McLeach, the gruffest, meanest, nastiest poacher in all of Australia and possibly the world. Roaring up in his giant monster truck, he was surprised to find a young human in his trap. He helped Cody out and suddenly noticed the golden eagle feather on his person. Immediately McLeach demanded to know where the feather's owner was. Cody refused to blab, so McLeach threw him in the back slammer and drove off. The field mouse quickly got on the telegraph and sent a message for help. But there was only one agency who could provide the proper rescue aid: The Rescue Aid Society.

The message bounced from the Hawaiian islands, across the U.S.A until it finally reached RAS headquarters in the basement of the U.N. building in New York. The RAS Chairman called an emergency meeting in which all the delegates attended...except for its two top agents: Bernard and Miss Bianca who, at that very moment, were dining atop a chandelier in a fancy restaurant across town. Bernard was trying to get up the courage to propose to Miss Bianca, but that's when they received the message to get down to Australia and rescue the kidnapped boy. They decide to fly, much to Bernard's chagrin, on Albatross Air again. Instead of Orville, they meet his outrageous, but obnoxious twin brother Wilbur. After a very long flight, the trio arrive in Australia and the landing left Wilbur literally bent out of shape, so they took him to a field hospital aboard an old Army bus, while Bernard and Bianca meet a wily, kangaroo-mouse named Jake, who took an immediate shine to Miss Bianca. Together, they make their move into the vast, ferocious deserts of Australia's outback, all the while Jake tries to put the moves on Bianca by showing her what a good snake wrangler he was. Meanwhile, McLeach, determined to find the eagle's eggs, released Cody and lied about the mother eagle being killed, knowing the boy would immediately go for the eggs. Which he did. McLeach jumped into his monster truck and gave chase. Bernard, Bianca and Jake witnessed and decided to come along, so they jump aboard the truck.

Sure enough, Cody went right for the eagle's nest. Suddenly, he heard a familiar screech then saw...the eagle! She hadn't been killed. Well, not yet anyway, for right then McLeach showed up, sprang a huge trap and captured the eagle. He also caught Cody, Bianca and Jake then took off, leaving Bernard stranded in the nest. Fortunately Wilbur, having escaped the hellish mouse hospital, showed up. Bernard gave him the duty of egg-sitting, while he set off to rescue the captives and fight the bad guys. Along the way, he enlists the help of a razorback he was able to tame. Since McLeach had the eagle, he didn't need Cody anymore so he decided to stop and feed him to the crocodiles. Bianca and Jake were helpless, but luckily, just as Brutus and Nero's cousins were about to devour the boy, Bernard arrived on razorback. He quickly helped Bianca and Jake, then he bravely saved the boy from the treacherous waters and caused McLeach to fall in. Luckily for him, he avoided the crocs. He thought he was so clever, but he just didn't see that waterfall coming. The ruthless poacher went over, falling over 100 feet. It's safe to say the game of the outback won't have to worry about him anymore. Well, the friends all rejoice and take a ride on the eagle's back. Bernard finally worked up the courage to propose to Miss Bianca. She accepted. And they all lived happily ever after...

The Rescuers Down Under, sequel to the 1977 Disney blockbuster The Rescuers. To be honest, I found the original to be much better. The original just blew my mind. It was spectacular. Beautiful. Full of heart. Well made. Rescuers Down Under had terrific animation, but was greatly lacking in story, plot and most of all, character development. I found Cody, Jake and McLeach to be very undeveloped. And I'd still like to know how Bernard and Bianca came about joining RAS. The characters in this one were a tad weak and not quite involved. McLeach was more cruel than Medusa, yet she still seems nastier. Penny was an absolute sweetheart, and Cody, he was a good boy, but again, undeveloped; the dynamic duo of Bob Newhart and Eva Gabor return to voice our pint-sized heroes. John Candy is Wilbur. George C. Scott is McLeach, Adam Ryen as Cody and Tristan Rogers as Jake, all delivered great performances. Gabor, Candy and Scott are gone now, but their talents shall be remembered forever. Anyway, if you're a fan of Disney and you liked The Rescuers, then by all means give The Rescuers Down Under a try, mate. From 1990, The Rescuers Down Under. I recommend it.
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