From The Devil's Nun To The Devil's Nymph
21 September 2006
With the filming of Dennis Wheatley's novel in To the Devil a Daughter, Hammer films tried to cash in on the cycle Satanic films that seemed to be out about every third week in the seventies. It wasn't exactly a crashing success.

Denholm Elliott has pledged his daughter Natassia Kinski to the Devil as a bride on her 18th birthday and now he wants out of the deal. He seeks the help of Richard Widmark who is a writer and authority on the occult. Widmark is taking the place of the role Peter Cushing would normally have. I'm sure Widmark was getting fewer and fewer good scripts at this time and probably thought this one and only venture into horror films might give him a new direction for his career.

Natassia however is in the charge of a defrocked priest played by Christopher Lee in all his Satanic glory. He's got his own satanic church and young Natassia has been raised in it as a nun and she goes around in complete habit of same. Of course after the rite of passage she will be viewing life from a different perspective and we do get a glimpse of her fully frontally nude to whet our appetites as well as the devil's.

A pleasant prospect and as good a reason as any to see this film. Lee is his usual grandly horrific self so his fans will be pleased. Hammer did so much better work with their Dracula, Frankenstein, and Mummy films from the previous two decades though.
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