Review of Carnivàle

Carnivàle (2003–2005)
Faith & The Carnivale
19 September 2006
HBO's Carnivale was and is an amazing television series. Beautifully presented, well written, well cast and undeniably unique. Carnivale allows us to escape to a not so distant time and an existing place, yet it's the circumstance that brings it all to life in wonderfully supernatural fashion.

Predominantly following the stories of two men - One of great faith and honour and one with little faith or belief in anything, the carnival is the catalyst in the inevitable meeting of these two souls and it is the series that maps this journey. Yet it is not until deep into the series that we come to realise the importance of these men and the consequences of their abilities and eventual meeting.

Stellar performances from Clancy Brown(Justin), Nick Stahl(Ben), Clea Duvall(Sofie) and co. bring to life unusual yet brilliant characters in the forms of priests, healers, psychics, snake charmers etc. Who all play significant roles in what is almost a chess battle of good and evil, yet as the viewer we are left to determine who the kings and queens are and strangely - who is good and who is evil?

As far as comparisons go, the moment Michael J.Anderson(Samson) appears on screen he is instantly recognisable from his role as 'The man from another place' in Lynch and Frost's 'Twin Peaks'. Although each show shares paranormal elements the stories are very far apart with Peaks taking a much more comedic approach. Each show has an enchanting, memorable quality but sadly the most similar aspect between the two - They were both cancelled prematurely!

So that brings us to faith. Faith that the powers that be will one day offer us some resolve in what was arguably one of the most fascinating TV series in recent years. Faith in the millions of other like myself who loved the show, to go out and purchase the box sets, sign the petitions and make it known that Dan Knaufs Carnivale is a great story that deserves to be told - in full!

If you haven't seen this show then I implore you to do so. The story itself is compelling, the characters are original and it's a very bright and colourful show to watch. By sticking with Carnivale you are rewarded with twists, turns and revelations and by the 'current' finale you are left begging and pleading for more. If we never see beyond season 2 then so be it, But I hope this show, in due time, get's the recognition and praise it truly deserves. Thankyou to the creators. I still have faith in a return!

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