Domino (2005)
The perfect Tony Scott film
20 August 2006

Tony Scott has a very unique style, either you love it or you hate it. Personally I love it - you can freeze his work at any time, print out the image and sell it as art. It is beautifully shot. Domino is no exception.

Keira Knightley plays Domino Harvey - a beautiful, talented and deadly bounty hunter. She is perfect for the role, and shows us how far she can pull away from all her other roles (examples Bend it like Beckham and Pride and Prejudice). She truly proves that she can play one tough bitch, and I love it. The supporting cast works perfectly, Mickey Rourke and Edgar Ramirez have amazing chemistry as the lovably tough-ass bounty hunters and as always Christopher Walken shines.

The character development in the film is enough to really care for Domino in particular, as well as her team later on down the line. There is enough narration and flashbacks to know where she comes from and genuinely care whether she lives or dies. This connection with Domino definitely helps the story in its tense moments.

The movie is extremely fast paced, with not much time to absorb it all in the first sitting. Watch it two or three more times and you will appreciate it more and more. Playing at 123 minutes, it is the perfect length, not too long and not too short. The story needs as much time as it can get however to tell the lengthy true story, however Tony Scott manages to find a way to fit it perfectly in.

The soundtrack is extremely unique, with extremely cartoonish sound effects, but somehow it works. I don't think the soundtrack could have worked with any other film, there are hundreds of different tracks, but all fit the mood amazingly.

Why is this movie receiving so much bad publicity? Wouldn't have a clue, like I said before - it seems you either you love it or you hate it. This film has taken an amazing story, thrown in a whole group of amazing actors and then presented itself beautifully.

Go see this film for yourself, give it a chance - don't believe all the bad publicity. This film will have you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

I give this film a 9/10 - I am in love with it. The only thing holding it back is the Jerry Springer scene, just doesn't seem right in a movie.
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