Dynasty Reunion Movie... For Fans Only
22 January 2006
I remember watching this, but not too much of the exact plot. It was put together to tie up the loose ends from the last season of the show, which I wasn't watching at that point anyway (I gave up after the Moldavia massacre mess!), but I was curious to watch and see all the cast together.

The part that sticks out in my mind is the end when the whole cast of characters, apparently all getting along so famously well after they kissed and made up (which didn't quite make sense to me), is together watching "home movies." Home movies, you may ask? Yes, but they never explained WHO was capturing all this on film for them to relive! This ending was so lame!!!

As for the actors, this fiasco wasn't their fault. Anyway, it was nice to see them back together again. Al Corley was back as Steven Carrington, the role he originally played. I always liked Pamela Sue Martin as the original Fallon. Too bad she couldn't be here, but she left the show on her own so she probably didn't want anything more to do with it. And I loved Pamela Bellwood as Claudia, but since the character had died a few years before, she of course couldn't be on this reunion. I'm sure the recasting of Adam had more to do with the fact that Gordon Thomson was unavailable (he was on Santa Barbara) rather than not wanting to be part of this project. Unfortunately, his replacement was not up to the task. But I'm sure whoever played this part other than Gordon would not seem right in the role to loyal fans. I was surprised that there was no Amanda, the long-lost forgotten daughter of Blake and Alexis. (There may have been some mention of her, but I doubt it although I don't remember exactly.) There were two actresses in this role, so I'm sure it wouldn't have mattered who played her if she were there. Amanda Carrington would have made more sense than Kirby Anders being there, as someone else in another comment also thought this was odd.

It's for die-hard fans only. Anyone else should stay far, far away! Three stars for getting most of the cast together one more time. (Zero stars for the plot, or lack thereof... but this show was always more concerned about the style and size of the shoulder pads for the female leads rather than good plots.)
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