She Hate Me (2004)
Total crap straight up and down!!!
2 January 2006
I have never really been a fan of Spike Lee and his techniques as a director (especially the way his scenes appear as though a human being is holding the camera in a not-so-still fashion- ugh!!!). But I am absolutely disappointed with this movie ('saw it for the first time last night), and Spike Lee totally lost any vote I had for him all together. What the hell was he thinking? 'Just a flick containing scattered thoughts of a man confused about life all together, it seems. I am especially disappointed in Kerry Washington. She does "Ray", and then she does this crap? I would think that film would've opened up doors for her. What had me the most upset was the fact that you had these "Lesbians" who want to have sex with this man because they want to get pregnant, but then you also see these "Lesbians" lusting after his body, and enjoying sex with him, being affectionate, orgasms- ??? The last time I checked, Lesbians were women who were into women, and did not lust after men. There are Lesbian women in my family- I know the drill. It is every pig's fantasy to "break" a Lesbian, and be the one to "turn her back" to men, and this film depicts that. And then at the end, Kerry Washington decided that she is Bisexual and not Lesbian after all, and then she and her girlfriend decide to have a three-way relationship with this guy, who has a child with each of them, along with having children with umpteen other women that they set him up to have sex with? And the worst thing of all, is the fact that after all the corporate scandal that this guy is wrapped up in, the only thing that gets him off is the fact that the judge feels a father of 17 children should be out working, and not in prison. What's the message here? The solution for a Black man to beat a Surpreme Court case in which he is being racially targeted is for him to have babies everywhere? I find this film sickening. I can only wonder how Lesbians feel, how Black men feel, how heterosexual Black women like me feel, how anybody feels after watching this crap. Spike Lee has run out of bright ideas, and needs to retire...
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