Decent if lower-budgeted Franky sequel.....
19 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
......Okay here we have Lon Cheney Jr. lurching around as the Monster, Bela Again showing up as Ygor, Lionel Atwill Again but this time as a scientist, and Ralph Bellamy in a glorified cameo. Takes the old brain switching routine, mixes in another semi-endangered little girl(enough w/ that angle guys...), and modernizes the setting. What do you get? I kept on thinking of--and I know it sounds odd--the later Planet of the Apes flix, this one being sorta in line w/ 'Conquest of the Planet of the Apes'. You know--shot on a backlot, shot in cheapie sets, kinda stark setting, shortish movie, a non-necessary sequel that works despite itself.

Cheney as the Monster is good for what it is, he looms up and is pretty threatening. It's Franky as Dullard pure and simple. Lugosi isn't quite as effective as Ygor this time around but is okay. Hardwick and Ankers are average, but you don't get the feeling of Great Committal by either performer.

This has a rushed feeling to it, and it's only 70 or so minutes long. I liked the Hamletish scene and the finale was kinda fun, if you don't mind Ygor's voice being lip-synched by Cheney as the monster before going blind in the fire....! **1/2 for trying.
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