This Was Entertaining -in a Light hearted way
14 October 2005
OK, I am a Very Serious David Cassidy Fan & had to have this video. I wasn't sure what to expect, but the title does sum it up "Spirit of '76". Look back to what you were doing in 1976, Patriotism in our Bi-Centennial. This was post Partridge Family but pre Disco era. Fashion was white go-go boots, Laugh-In was on, we needed to laugh, not take ourselves so seriously. That is how you look at this movie. The Gremlin (a car) was everywhere back then, the music, Leif Garrett - yep we are in the 70's alright. Even David's Patriotic boots were perfect. I really enjoyed this movie in the manner it was intended - entertaining: make you smile, sometimes laugh, yes it had its moments (Rob Reiner was in it) The moment David's character realized the materials he needed to save the day was plentiful in 1976 ! Just watch it for yourself.
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