Predator (1987)
An excellent Schwarzenegger classic that still attracts viewers and keeps people thrilled
25 July 2005
Predator is definitely one of the best alien thrillers ever made. It is one of my personal favorite movies. When I first saw just a brief part of Predator when I was about five, I was freaked out and scared to even watch the movie for many ages, but eventually, once getting older, came to like it. The Predator, played by Kevin Peter Hall, is a very realistic and believable creature for the 1980s, when this movie was created. I like how humanlike its form is, and how un-humanlike it is at the same time. The creature's four mandibles were a great idea for its distinct facial characteristics and the creature's roar is awesome, one of the best ever produced. This movie stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers, Bill Duke, Jesse Ventura, Richard Chaves, Elipidi Carillo, Shane Black, and Sonny Landham and they are all believable in their roles and even add to the humor that this movie has. This is obviously the best of the Predator movies and still one of the most highly liked thrillers today. And let's all show respect for Kevin Peter Hall, who died a year after he had made Predator 2.
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