The older and better of the two rides
6 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I was actually at a bachelor party in Vegas when we decided to split up for a few hours and I rushed straight over to the Hilton.

It was great to be surrounded by all things Star Trek. In fact, you can tell the exhibit hasn't been updated much since 1998, as everything was referencing Star Trek at that time. But that was also when Star Trek was in its prime, so it really brought be back.

As for the ride itself, I could tell it was pretty dated but it was still fantastic. The only thing I wished was that they had upgraded to digital projection, as the images were all kind of dark. But all in all, it was fantastic. Reminded me a lot of Back To The Future: The Ride at Universal Studios.

****SPOILERS**** Okay, I have to admit I was totally taken by surprise. I was expecting a halfway decent shuttlecraft ride and was BLOW AWAY when I realized I was the Enterprise transporter room. THEN we got to walk through the Enterprise corridor THEN go on the bridge. THEN going into the to the turbolift on top of the was a real treat. I was totally able to wrap myself up in this world.

****END SPOILERS***** The only thing that I got depressed about was that the Star Trek franchise is at a standstill right now, and this reminded me of everything I loved about it
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