Action with the mystery and intrigue of wartime spy melodrama
21 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Bogart was in good form as a racketeer, who comes up against Nazi spies, headed by Conrad Veidt, Peter Lorre, and Judith Anderson, and prefers patriotism to the profits of crime…

Several things seriously frightened the film's success… It was released very shortly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, a bad time for portraying a quasi-realistic spy tale in a laughable manner…

The film also suffered from an overt case of "cuteness" in its dialog, with such lines as ' Say, there's more here than meets the FBI.,' being uttered all too frequently by Bogart and his comic retinue which included Frank McHugh, William Demarest, Jackie Gleason, and Phil Silvers…

Another weak point in the film was completely unbelievable "cliffhanger" ending which found Veidt driving a speedboat loaded with explosives toward a battleship…

In spite of these minor irritants, the film did give Bogart a chance to do some very creditable comedy work and on the whole it still entertains
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