Definitely worth seeing
28 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Lots has already been said - including the huge advertising campaign (centring on a poster, supposedly of a scene in the beginning of the film but as a painting, not a movie still. The entertaining bit is when you realise that the costume that Varvara is wearing is all wrong for this moment in the film! Think about it!). The beginning of a run on Fandorin films, with Statskii Sovetnik coming out in May, the trailer for which was showed with TG (as for Sovetnik - as far as casting goes I've heard it discussed as the Russian Ocean's Twelve)! Though the cast list for TG is certainly nothing to sniff at either! And I have to say, the cast do themselves proud, very good acting, costumes, scenery etc. You are led right into their world. I found the computer special effects annoying, overused, and frankly distracting, but the rest of the film was great. I had not read Akunin before, and went right out and bought the book - and am now reading Statskii Sovetnik to prepare for May. I had worked out who the spy was, though I did that in the book straight off too, but it was well done, there are plenty of false trails to keep you guessing. I have to say I liked the ending, especially that they stayed true to Akunin's ending to the relationship between Fandorin and Varvara - rather than coming over all Hollywood and having them riding off into the sunset.
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