Comic Book Villains (2002 Video)
9 November 2004
Being a comic collector, I looked forward to seeing this movie. For the first 45 min. or so, I really enjoyed it. But, then it turns in directions that are simply too extreme and melodramatic, too unbelievable. It also bugs me (as a comic collector, and as someone who's always wanted to work in a comic shop) that the comic shop owners who're obsessed with comics (well, with their monetary value, admittedly) are portrayed as people who can quite easily develop into psychos and murderers. I realize that Robinson (the writer-director) is saying that it's the reading part of the comics industry, and not the money part, that's the real and true value of comics, and this is certainly correct. But even this message doesn't come through with any power, because the comics fans in the shop are also misrepresented. Robinson has them talk about which characters are having sex with each other, and which female characters the fans would like to have sex with. This is not the kind of thing that people who're seriously into the actual stories talk about. Instead, it's playing up to the existing prejudices about what comic book fans are like.

I feel that Robinson is spitting on people who consider comics their great passion. And this is just the kind of thing I'd expect someone like Robinson to do: Preach that one should never be a fanatic. People like that don't understand passion (Robinson should read Fantastic Four #285 to see it explained: people *live* through their passions, no matter what those passions are), nor the commitment to things greater than oneself. Robinson's prime comics work, Starman, chronicles a superhero who gives up being a hero so he can be a family man. That's exactly the wrong kind of priorities for a hero. Heroes help other people; they don't just care about their own lives. But then, British comics writers never really did understand what American superheroes are all about (giants like Alan Moore and Alan Davis frequently being exceptions, of course).

My rating: 5 out of 10. With less melodrama, this rating could have been considerably higher.
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