Runaway Bride (1999)
Brilliant set-up, well done film.
28 October 2004
The success of this film begins where most successes start: The writing. The script is tight like a steel drum, and it's tones are really lovely. The set-up, which gets the two principles in opposition to each other, is accomplished in an amazingly short amount of time. Richard Gere writes a nasty article in USA Today about Julia Roberts based entirely on heresay, and she gets him fired by threatening to sue. He goes to her hometown seeking revenge. POW! This brilliantly creates the impetus for a lot of sparring, which leads, rather convincingly, to their realization that they were made for each other. Add the false ending, and, like a Mahler symphony, it ultimately comes to a much more convincing and satisfying close than most romantic comedies which always feel too "easy."

The only thing I didn't like about this film was the barbershop quartet singing in the town square. I think it was supposed to signify a return to a small town ideal surrounding Julie Roberts in contrast with Richard Gere's frantic NYC pace, but it just ended up being quite lame. A little too overdone, Mr. Marshall. This is a small consideration, though, when compared to all the other things about this film that are very worth watching. In short, if you're a fan of this genre, pick it up. Even if you're not, you might be surprised.
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